How to Apply a Crumb Coat of Icing

When frosting a cake, starting with a crumb coat allows for the final cake to look neater and more professional.

So what exactly is a crumb coat?
Have you ever tried to frost a cake, but you keep getting crumbs from the cake in your the icing? It ends up making your cake look messy, and it is so frustrating when you just want your cake to look nice.
This is where the crumb coat is your best friend. It may take a little more time than if you went straight into the final layer of icing, but the extra effort will make your cake look so much better.

Here’s how to do it:
Once your cakes have cooled completely and are assembled (layers stacked and icing between the layers), spread a thin layer of icing on the sides and top of the cake. It is important to make sure the cakes are cooled completely. Otherwise, the frosting will begin to melt, and your cake will end up looking messy.
If crumbs get into this initial layer of frosting, it is ok. Also, it’s ok if your cake shows through this layer of frosting. The crumb coat doesn’t need to be pretty - it will be covered by the final layer of frosting.

Once the crumb coat is applied, put the cake in the fridge for about 30 minutes. This allows the crumb coat frosting to firm up, which will make it easier to apply the final layer of icing.

After the crumb coat frosting has firmed up some, you can finally apply the final layer of frosting and any decorations you want.

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