Chocolate Covered Banana Pudding Cups

I never used to be a big fan of banana pudding, but recently I have grown to love it.
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But these banana pudding cups are even better, because they have all the yumminess of banana pudding, but also chocolate! If you ask me, chocolate can make everything better.
Bad day? Chocolate.
Stressed? Chocolate.
Have a migraine? Eat some chocolate. (And go to sleep with an ice pack on your head - tip from an expert 😉)

The point is, the chocolate fudge sauce in these cups only adds to the deliciousness and also helps to distinguish your dessert from someone else’s banana pudding.

These are very easy to make, and also very impressive looking. Sometimes in baking, presentation is just as important as taste (well…almost).

So, what do we do? First, we need to prepare the pudding. We start with a box of instant vanilla pudding. Prepare it according to the package directions. I like to use the instant pudding that is ready to eat in 5 minutes. All you have to do is stir together the pudding mix with 2 cups of cold milk. Whisk it for about 2 minutes, and it will thicken up and be ready to eat.
Now, you need the cups that you plan on using for your dessert. I like to use the ones pictured to the right, because I think they are really pretty, and they are a good size glass for dessert. But you could also use wine glasses, martini glasses, small bowls, whatever you have on hand.

Now, all you have to do is assemble your cups. I started with some fudge sauce on the bottom. They I added vanilla wafers (I broke them up into 2-3 pieces so that they’d be easier to eat with a spoon). Banana slices came next. I did about 3 banana slices in each cup. But if your glass is wider than mine, you may want to do more. Then I added a layer of the prepared vanilla pudding. Repeat all of those layers as needed until your glass is almost full. You want to leave a little room at the top for some garnishes. I ended up only doing all of the layers twice. If your glass is tall and narrow, you may need to do more.

Finally, top your dessert with a little more fudge sauce, whipped cream, a vanilla wafer, and a slice of banana. You can optionally also add some chopped peanuts to the top.

I would recommend serving your dessert immediately after adding the garnishes. However, I know this isn’t always feasible. When you are having people over, you usually try to get as much prep work done beforehand as possible. So, if you are preparing your dessert ahead of time, I would recommend adding the layers of fudge sauce, vanilla wafers, banana slices, and vanilla pudding to your glass. You can top with the extra fudge sauce. But then stop there. Do not add the whipped cream yet. I have made this mistake so many times. And I know better - I just add it before thinking. If you add the whipped cream early, and then stick your dessert in the fridge for later, the whipped cream will lose volume, and it will end up pretty flat and won’t look as appealing. So my recommendation is to prep up until the whipped cream, then add the whipped cream and the vanilla wafer and banana garnishes immediately before serving.

Chocolate Covered Banana Pudding Cups

Yield: 4 cups


  • 1 box instant vanilla pudding, made according to package directions
  • 2 bananas, sliced
  • 1 c vanilla wafers
  • ¼ c fudge sauce
  • Whipped cream, for topping
  • ¼ c chopped peanuts, optional


  1. Prepare vanilla pudding according to the package's directions.
  2. In each cup, layer fudge sauce, vanilla wafers, banana slices, and vanilla pudding. Repeat the layers as needed to almost fill the cup, ending with the vanilla pudding.
  3. Top with more fudge sauce, whipped cream, and peanuts.
  4. Garnish with a vanilla wafer and banana slice.

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  • Copyrights © 2022-2024 Taylor Mark