Elayne is One!!

It's official - I have a one year old! Elayne turned one last week, and we had her first birthday party this past weekend.

Her party was a lot of fun. We had a bunch of friends over, made a bunch of food, and had a really good time. Elayne did very well. I thought she was going to be over-stimulated or fussy, but she is apparently very good at being the center of attention.

It’s a little surreal, realizing that it has already been an entire year since Tommy and I came home from the hospital with our beautiful baby girl.

It’s true what people say - that they grow up too quickly, and that you need to cherish every moment. The past year has flown by. It’s crazy to look back at the pictures from when Elayne was first born, and to see how much she has changed. When Elayne was a newborn, she was tiny. Just over 7 pounds, with very skinny arms and legs. And now she’s over 19 pounds, lean and strong. She crawls all over the house, and is constantly pulling up to stand. She’s going to be walking anytime now!

I still can’t believe how much my life has changed in the past year. I’m no longer working - instead I’m staying home to raise Elayne. That was a big adjustment for me. Up until last year, I had a job and was financially independent ever since graduating college. And then all of a sudden I’m relying on my husband’s income for all our bills. That definitely took some getting used to. And if I’m being honest, some days I’m still not fully used to it.

But I’m learning to adapt to how my life is constantly changing. Elayne is learning new skills all the time, and she’s getting smarter everyday. She’s keeping me on my toes. And it’s hard. Keeping up high energy all day because she wants to play. Doing everything I can do make her eat solid foods and wean off of formula. Keeping my patience when she tests my nerves. And trying to make sure that every single thing I’m doing is in her best interest. It is by far the hardest job I’ve ever had.

But I’m so in love. And I made the right decision. Because even though it’s hard, I get to be home to see her master all her new skills. And I get to cuddle her, and give her all the attention that she craves.

The past year has been the hardest year of my life, but also the most rewarding. I wouldn’t change a thing.

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