Elayne is Walking!!

Elayne is 14 months old, and she is walking!! 😀

We knew it would be soon. For a while now, she has been working on standing without holding onto anything. And then she started taking one to two little tiny baby steps before falling down. But she kept trying.

And now she can walk all by herself!! She is still a little wobbly, and so she takes cautious steps. But I’m sure she’ll be running around the house in no time.

Despite being able to walk by herself, she still loves to hold our hands or use her walker. Or, sometimes she likes to hold our hand and use her walker. That’s always interesting. When she uses her walker two-handed, she has learned how to turn it herself around corners. But when she is holding onto my hand or Tommy’s with one of her own, and then also holding onto her walker with the other hand, she can’t turn around corners. So we are constantly needing to steer it for her. But we are enjoying every minute of it!

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