Happy Valentine's Day!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Valentine’s Day is a little different for us these days. Not that we ever did a whole lot before Elayne was born. Tommy and I used to go out to a nice dinner either the day before or the day after Valentine’s Day. It was just easier, and we both preferred not having to fight for reservations.

This year, we just stayed home for dinner. It was easier. Elayne and I had an enjoyable, relaxing day today though. We went to Whole Foods. Elayne loves to go there and see everything. She had fun looking at the hundreds of flowers they had out.
Later in the day, after Tommy was done working, we played ball out on the driveway. We didn't have enough time to walk down to the park today, because Elayne had trouble going to sleep for her nap, so her whole nap time got shifted a little later. But, we did take a stroll down our street, with Elayne holding onto both mine and Tommy's hands. 🥰
By the end of the evening, Elayne was worn out!

I did decide to make this Vanilla Bean Crème Brûlée for dessert for Tommy and me. Tommy isn’t much of a sweets person, but he does really like Crème Brûlée.

If I’m being honest, the Crème Brûlée didn’t turn out quite as well as I hoped. It had a delicious flavor, but I slightly undercooked it, so it was a little runny in the very middle. And I’m still working on my technique with caramelizing the sugar on top. So I over-caramelized it a little. But hey, it’s a work in progress. Tommy says I just need to practice more and make Crème Brûlée more often. 😛

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