Mummy Meatballs

These Mummy Meatballs are a fun, savory treat for your Halloween party.

When you’re having a party, you can’t just have desserts and sweets. You need some savory food too.
Meatballs are a good option for a party, because they are easy to make, and they are filling. You never want anyone to leave your party hungry!

These meatballs are super easy to make, although they can be a little tedious as well. You'll need some frozen meatballs, puff pastry sheets, pepperoni, and pizza sauce. I chose frozen meatballs because they are already fully cooked, and just need to be heated. But if you want a particular type of meatball, or if you just want to make things a little harder for yourself, you could buy other, non-cooked meatballs, or make your own.

I didn’t take very many pictures of making these meatballs, because I was making them right before the party started. So I was in crunch time trying to get all the last-minute things done. But they are not difficult, so don’t worry.

First, you’ll want to heat or cook your meatballs, depending on if you bought already cooked ones or not. If you have frozen meatballs, I recommend cooking them as directed on the packaging. Then allow them to come to room temperature. You don’t want them to be hot when you’re wrapping them in the puff pastry, because the pastry will just get melty and won’t stick to the meatball well. The reason you need to cook the meatballs ahead of time is that once you have the puff pastry on, you’ll only bake them for a few minutes, which won’t be enough to fully heat the meatballs all the way through. So if you didn’t bake them ahead of time, you meatballs might still be cold in the middle.

Slice your puff pastry sheets into thin strips. Then, wrap the strips around your cooled meatballs. They don't have to look perfect, and the meatball doesn't need to be fully covered.

Once all the meatballs are wrapped in puff pastry, bake them at 400° for 12-15 minutes, or until the puff pastry turns golden. While the mummies are baking, slice your pepperoni to make the eyes. I bought the mini pepperoni, and then cut them into fourths, so that I ended up with 4 triangle shapes. I had initially wanted to cut out small round eyes, but that ended up taking way too long, and I didn’t have the patience for it. So your eyes don’t have to look perfect, but if you’re a more patient person than I am, you could make yours prettier than mine. Either way, you mummies will be a hit, and no one will cake if the eyes are perfectly round.

Once all the mummies are baked, use little dabs of pizza sauce to attach two pepperoni eyes to each meatball mummy. Serve your mummies with some more pizza sauce, and you’re all done!

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  • Copyrights © 2022-2024 Taylor Mark