Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope your holiday was as enjoyable as ours.

Thanksgiving always feels like a very rushed holiday. You spend all day long (and usually the day before too) prepping and cooking, stressing and running around like crazy. And on top of all that craziness, you have relatives or friends, who offer to help. But sometimes, it’s actually harder to accept the help. Mostly because, you know exactly how you want things done. And trying to explain it to someone else just ends up taking longer.

Don’t get me wrong, I love getting to see relatives and spend time with family. But by the end of the day, I’m exhausted.

Today, I don’t have much excuse to be exhausted. We did Thanksgiving at my parents’ house. So my mom did most of the cooking. I did go over there early to help out. But honestly, I haven’t done as much as in past years. But even still, I’m completely wiped of energy!

We spent our day hanging out at my parents’ house, and of course, eating way too much food. We had a good amount of people there. My in-laws are in town, so they were there. Plus my parents, sister, grandma, grandma’s boyfriend, uncle, aunt, mom’s cousin & her husband, and my sister’s mother-in-law. Elayne got a little overwhelmed by the amount of people. Coupled with the fact that she wouldn’t fall asleep for her nap today, we did have a few incidents where she clung to me for dear life, crying if I tried to put her down. But mostly, she did great. She is always such a good and happy girl, even when she is tired. I don’t know how we got so lucky. And I’m extra thankful for it today.

Of course, because this holiday is centered around food. I did do some baking. But, I’m sorry to report that I did not try a new recipe today. Instead, I made the Cherry Vanilla Tart I made a couple weeks ago. There were a few reasons for this.

  1. It has been very busy at our house recently, and I just didn't have the time or energy to figure out something new.
  2. I knew my mom was making a couple of pretty rich desserts, so I didn't want to make anything too sweet, rich, or heavy.
  3. It is a delicious dessert, and I knew my family would really enjoy it. And they hadn't tried it yet.

And besides, isn’t it great when you find a recipe you love so much that you want to make it multiple times? I hope there will be some people who utilize my blog to find some recipes they love.

Anyways, it was a great, if not exhausting, day. But we all had a good time. And, the Thanksgiving holiday is not officially over until the Black Friday shopping has taken place!! My sister and I are going shopping at 5am tomorrow! Maybe we’re crazy, but we love to do it. And then after Black Friday, Christmas decorating begins!

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