Ornament Oreos

These Ornament Oreos are a fun, festive treat for your holiday gatherings! They are incredibly cute, and they're Oreos, so of course they'll be delicious!

I will admit, they are a little tedious to make. This is not a batch of cookies that you can whip out in 30 minutes. You have to take the time to dip each Oreo in chocolate, and methodically place the lights. Then you have to wait for them to dry and harden fully. It does take time. But they are definitely a crowd pleaser, so if you have the time, I recommend making them.

Making these ornaments is not difficult. You just have to be a little detail-oriented.
You’ll need

  • Oreos
  • White chocolate bark
  • Mini M&M's
  • Miniature Reese's cups
  • Edible ink marker
  • Wax paper
Start by melting the white chocolate. I highly recommend using a double boiler for this. Having the double boiler on the stove allows the chocolate to stay hot and melted while you dip all the Oreos. This process takes time, so if you are melting the chocolate in the microwave, you may need to periodically re-melt the chocolate so that it's nice and smooth.

Lay out a sheet of wax paper to place the chocolate-dipped Oreos. Using wax paper will prevent the chocolate from sticking. Place an Oreo into the white chocolate and cover it fully with the chocolate. Try to drip off the excess chocolate so that it isn’t too thick. I usually use 2 forks for this process. I use one to scoop up the Oreo, and the other to remove excess chocolate and sometimes smooth out the chocolate.

Carefully place the Oreo on the wax paper. Press mini M&M's into the chocolate on top. You'll want to place them in a line so that you can draw the string above. I did mine in 2 diagonal lines, coming to a point on one side. This way, I could have a string of lights going from one side of the Oreo to the other, and then back again. I also chose to place the M&M's on their side, so that the lights stood up more. It was a little harder to make them stand up, so you can choose whether to stand them up or lie them down. Finally, place a miniature Reese's cup at the top to be the top of the ornament. Repeat this process for all the Oreos.

Allow the chocolate to harden fully. If the chocolate is still soft, the marker will not turn out well. Once the chocolate is completely dry and hard, use the edible marker to draw the string over the M&M lights. I found the edible markers on Amazon. You can probably find at some craft stores like Michaels, or maybe some baking stores. Allow the marker to dry for a few minutes before storing or serving.

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  • Copyrights © 2022-2024 Taylor Mark