Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas!! 😄 We started out the day at home, just the 3 of us, opening presents and eating cinnamon rolls. Then we headed over to my parents' house to get together with more family and open more presents.

The festivities started on Christmas Eve. We hosted brunch at our house with my family. My sisters had gotten Elayne a ride-on jeep, and my younger sister wanted to be here when Elayne opened it. So we decided to have the family over so everyone could see it. Elayne was excited, but like with many things, she was also very hesitant. It'll take her a little bit to warm up to the new jeep. But I know that soon, she'll be riding it all over the yard!

Later that afternoon, Elayne helped make cookies for Santa. We took the easy route and just bought the sugar cookies that have the Christmas trees and snowmen in them from the grocery store. She helped me put all the cookies on the pan. And then after they were all baked, she carried the plate of cookies into the living room for Santa. It was very sweet.

Our Christmas this year was not fully as I had expected it to be.
Since Elayne is two now, this is the first year she’s been able to get excited about the different aspects of Christmas. She has been pointing to the presents under the tree for weeks now.
I was so excited to see her jump on the mini trampoline we bought her. And to play with all her toys.
But, part of having a toddler means dealing with sickness. Unfortunately, Elayne woke up yesterday with a slight cold, and it was worse this morning. So Elayne was extra tired today, and so we kept everything pretty low-key.

Despite not feeling great, Elayne was in a pretty good mood for most of the day. She did get excited about opening her presents. And, she did bounce on her trampoline a few times. But she didn’t have the energy to do much more than that.

At my parents’ house, Elayne had some more fun. She was very excited about the baby doll they got her. She is a natural caregiver. She was constantly feeding her new baby doll, rubbing its head, or rocking it to sleep. It was adorable. 🥰

Overall, it was a very enjoyable Christmas. I hope everyone else had a good Christmas too.

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