Warm Up Eggs Quickly

Have you ever been in that situation where your recipe calls for the eggs to be room temperature, but you forgot to pull them out the fridge early? This happens to me all the time. And I just don’t have the patience to sit there and wait for the eggs to warm up on their own.

In some cases, it might be alright to just use cold eggs. I have done this before too. But there are some recipes where it really does matter if your eggs are warm or cold. For instance, when making meringue, you really want the eggs to be room temperature. The meringue will not turn out as well if you use cold eggs.

So what can we do? Other than sitting around impatiently?

Put some warm water in a bowl, and place the eggs into the warm water so that the water fully covers the eggs. Allow the eggs to sit in the warm water for a few minutes, and then you will be good to go! Easy!

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